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来源: 本站   作者: 管理员   点击:   日期: 2010-11-26



独立主格由“名词或代词+形容词、副词、分词、不定式等”     构成,其中的“名词或代词”用主格形式,起逻辑主语的作用,其后的“形容词、副词、分词不、不定式等”起逻辑谓语的作用。注意,独立主格结构与主句之间不能使用任何连接词。本文主要介绍“名词或代词+现在分词”的用法。

The children playing in the room, I couldn’t get down studying. 孩子们在屋里玩,我没法学习。

Mothing being ill, I had to stay at home looking after her.

There being no bus, we had to walk home. 由于没有公共汽车,我们只好走回家。

Night enshrouding the earth, nobody could make out what the dark mass was from a distance.黑夜笼罩大地,谁也看不清远处黑压压的一片是什么东西。


独立主格由“名词或代词+形容词、副词、分词、不定式等”     构成,其中的“名词或代词”用主格形式,起逻辑主语的作用,其后的“形容词、副词、分词不、不定式等”起逻辑谓语的作用。注意,独立主格结构与主句之间不能使用任何连接词。本文主要介绍“名词或代词+过去分词”的用法。

Five years later, he returned home, his character greatly changed.

The job finished, we went home. 工作结束后我们就回家了。

Everything considered, his plan seems better. 从各方面考虑,他的计划似乎好一些。




We divided the work, he to dean the window and I to sweep the floor. 我们分了工,他擦窗户,我扫地。

A number of officials followed the emperor, some to hold his robe, others to adjust his girdle and so on. 许多官员尾随皇帝之后,有的拎着皇帝的衣袍,有的则给他整腰带,等等。

He is leaving for the conference next week, all expenses to be paid by his company. 他下周去参加一个会议,所有费用由他的公司支付。

Many trees, flowers, and grass to be planted, our newly-built school will look even more beautiful. 种上许多的树、花和草后,我们新建的学校看上去将更美。



He entered the room, his face pale. 他走进屋来脸色苍白。

She stood erect, her body stiff with fury. 她站得笔直,身子气得发僵。

He sat in the front row, his mouth half open. 他坐在前排,嘴半开着。

The firm, itself immense, did not disdain the petty retail dealing. 这家公司尽管规模很大,但并不轻视这笔小零售生意。

The Trojans asleep, the Greek soldiers crept out of the hollow wooden horse.特洛伊人睡着了,于是希腊士兵从中空的木马里悄悄爬了出来。




在“名词或代词+副词”这类独立主格结构中,其中的副词主要是over, on, off, up, down等这类小品词,一般不用-ly这类方式副词。如:

The meeting over, our headmaster soon left the meeting room. 散会了,校长很快就离开了会议室。

She sat at the table, collar off, head down, and pen in position, ready to begin the long letter. 她坐在桌前,衣领已解掉,头低了下来,拿好钢笔,准备开始写一封长信。



His first shot failure,he fired again. 他第一枪没击中,又打了一枪。

Two hundred people died in the accident, many of them children. 两百人死于事故,其中有许多儿童。



He was waiting, his eyes on her back. 他在等着,眼睛望着她的背影。

The soldiers dashed in, rifle in hand. 士兵们端着枪冲了进来。

The old woman sat down, traces of tears still on her cheeks. 老太太坐了下来,面颊上还带有泪痕。

We walked out, one behind the other. 我们一个接一个地走了出来。

A girl came in, book in hand. 一个少女进来了,手里拿着书。

He lay at full length upon his stomach,his head resting upon his left forearm.他的脊背朝天,四肢伸展,头枕着左臂,直挺挺地趴伏着。

Every afternoon a very old woman hobbled past the old house,a vast load of firewood on her back.每天下午,一个背着一大背柴禾的老妇人都会从那间破旧的房屋前蹒跚着走过。

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